Our Services
Our extensive team of Service Engineers are fully qualified and trained to respond to any service needs related to your industrial boiler house.
We offer attractive refurbishment and upgrade services for all steam, hot water and thermal fluid boilers and all of your boiler house installation.
We offer a complete range of preventive and corrective maintenance contracts that can be tailored to your industrial boiler needs.
International provider of industrial process heating equipment.
Our Vision & Values
We aim to be the leading company for the design, sales and installation of industrial boilers, thermal oxidisers, burners and industrial water treatment. We strive to be reliable, innovative, understanding of our customers' needs and welcoming to staff.
Our Mission
Convinced that management of energy resources will determine tomorrow’s World, we aim to optimise energy consumption and reduce the environmental impact of all our industrial boilers customers.
Our clients,
and what they say
Products Installed
Two manufacturing facilities in and around Europe plus other engineering and assembly plants.
Countries Served
An international organisation with eight operating companies in and around Europe.
Staff Members
Over half of our staff members are dedicated to after-sales and industrial boiler services.
Service Engineers
A world-wide network of commercial and technical partners to assist you.

Oil and gas company
“The EPC heaters have meant a reduction
in fuel costs and stack emissions,
greater efficiency and a move to
natural gas instead of heavy fuel,
which has removed the need for on-site
fuel storage.”
– Duncan McLeod, Engineering Manager at Total Bitumen Preston

“We chose thermal fluid because it
was more cost-effective to install and
run, has a smaller space requirement
than steam and provides a greener solution.”
- Andrew Taylor, Director at Freedom Brewery

Advanced Composites Specialist
“The heaters are well constructed and easy to maintain
and have performed well. One existing unit on site
has run approximately 24/7 360 days with only one
failure in eight years; they are constructed to carry
out what's required and perform very well.”
– Keith Netting, Product Development & Industrialisation Manager,
Gurit Composite Components
Head Office
Industriedijk 2
2300 Turnhout
Phone : (32) 014 45 08 31
Head office
106-110 rue du Petit-Le-Roy
94669 Chevilly-Larue Cedex
Phone : (33) (0) 1 49 78 44 00
Fax : (33) (0) 1 46 86 14 16
Manufacturing facility
7 boulevard Alfred Parent – BP 52
47600 Nérac
Phone : (33) (0) 5 53 65 19 00
Fax : (33) (0) 5 53 65 17 33
Head office & Manufacturing facility
Via Roma 147, 20873 Cavenago di Brianza
Monza, Brianza
Phone : (39) 02 95 91 21
Fax : (39) 02 95 01 92 52
Head office
Hanzestraat 5
7622 AX Borne
Phone : (31) (0) 294 415 950
ul. Kosciuski 1c
44-100 GLIWICE
Phone : (48) 32 230 6894
Head Office
Rua Gonçalves Zarco,
1843 / 1867 Salas B e J
Phone : (351) 229 999 490
Fax : (351) 229 999 659
Lisbon Office
Rua Prof Dr Jorge Mineiro 16, 1°B,
Queluz de Baixo
2730-146 BARCARENA
Phone : (351) 216 036 002
Phone 2 : (351) 218 049 017
Carretera Bilbao-Plentzia, 31
Edificio Inbisa – Planta 1a – Dpto 107
48950 Erandio (Bizkaya)
Phone : (34) 94 452 30 36
Fax : (34) 94 452 30 54
Siège - Usine, Route Ezzahra,
Cité El Ouilija, RADES BEN AROUS
Phone : (216) 31 400 167
Fax : (216) 32 400 167
Elstree Way 7
Phone : (44) 208 953 7111
Fax : (44) 208 207 5177
10322 NW Prairie View Road
Kansas City,
64153 MO Missouri
Phone : (1) 816 880 9321
Phone 2: (1) 800 427 6498 Ext. 15 ou 16
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